Thursday, July 27, 2006


Autodesk digital signatures

Autodesk seems to have a bit uncoordinated attitude to digital signatures. On one side, all AutoCAD files are signed with digital signatures, including .JS files (i.e. text files). On the other hand an official patch released yesterday - Autodesk Map 3D 2007 SP2 (an EXE file) is unsigned.
If you try to run this patch, Windows complains about "unknown publisher" and you have to confirm manually that this file is really from Autodesk (and they just forgot to sign it) and hope that the file has not been tampered with on the way to you...
Autodesk, please sign you work, especially that published over the internet.

Friday, July 21, 2006


Dynamic text fields in AutoCAD LT

CAD Forum has published a nice trick to use automatic texts known from the AutoCAD FIELD command also in AutoCAD LT. You can just paste the field code as text to a text entity in your drawing.
See - Dynamic text fields even in AutoCAD LT.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Can we expect free AutoCAD?

OK, probably not the full AutoCAD license but...

In the current situation, there are the free trial versions (time limited) and the student versions/licenses (free in many countries). But Autodesk offers also free PLE (Personal Learning Edition) versions of several Alias applications (Maya, AiasStudio). At the same time, several CAD vendors are offering free versions of their 2D and 3D software.

I'd infer that it makes sense for Autodesk to have a free PLE version of AutoCAD, limited only in terms of its license plus probably a plot-stamp and DWG-stamp (and of course protected by a soft-lock mechanism).

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