Thursday, February 21, 2008


Fetters Break at Autodesk...

It seems that in the new 2009-version products Autodesk will get rid of some limitations which were restraining users with the hope of selling higher products.

E.g. the free DWG viewer Autodesk DWG TrueView 2009 now adds the measure tool allowing to measure distances and areas in DWG drawings. This capability was previously limited to the DWF viewer (Design Review) only - so you had to convert your DWG to DWF first. The last Autodesk DWG viewer allowing to measure was Volo View (remember when Autodesk tried to sell the viewer for AutoCAD drawings?).

Another limit falls - AutoCAD LT 2009 will allow to attach raster images (!) and create dynamic text fields - just like the full AutoCAD version. There should also by a 64-bit version of AutoCAD LT.

I am sure that these are results of the pressure of us users - let's get more.

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