Thursday, September 11, 2008


AutoCAD 2010 - not so distant drums

Back from holidays, I have found fragments of information collecting on the new features of the upcoming new version of AutoCAD.

Autodesk organizes user meetings in the US where it seeks feedback from existing AutoCAD users. Concluding from this and similar information we can estimate the new functions and features of the "AutoCAD X", the new version which will be probably called "AutoCAD 2010".

The drums are still distant and the outlines of the new features are in a haze - but the expected release date (March 20092010) is not that far in the future and it seems that AutoCAD 2010 will be one of the major releases of AutoCAD.

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Yes you are right. March 2010 is not so far. Let us wait and see how will the people react and take this “upgraded” version.

AutoCAD Drafting Services
certaily we will use a trial version before this date !
I'm not sure if this will all happen like you envision ;)

The "parametrics" offered with 2010 will be more likely curtailed to 2D parametric drawing, minus the full 3D feature/CSG history tree.

So far no one sees any evidence in 2010 of VSTA or XML implemetation. At least progeCAD supports XML SVG standard already:
I was also surprised that there will be probably no VSTA in AutoCAD 2010. But AutoCAD already uses XML in many places.

The planned release is of course March 2009, not 2010 :-)
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